Red Rose and Lilium Basket Stand
This basket stand consists of white liliums and red roses. Suitable to delivery for new business openings, weddings, inaugurations and etc.Product Details
Product Code: CM590The simplicity of the lilies that cannot stand the magic of red roses accompany your opening ceremony and wedding ceremonies. P.S. Due to regional conditions, the color and design of the flower may change.
1.6 meter basket stand made of wrought iron
- White Liliums
- Red Roses
- Greens
- Gypsophilias
General Information about the delivery of gift baskets, fruits, chocolates, decorated cookies, truffles and cakes to Turkey:
- We are based in Istanbul Turkey, thus all charges we will apply would be in TL (Turkish Lira).
- The shown prices in USD and EURO are approximate values according to the rates we gathered from Central Bank Of The Republic Of Turkey.
- Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement is delivered in a timely manner.
- In such cases we will take the upmost care and attention to your order to ensure that, it is as similar as possible to the requested flower or gift.
- We will try our best for having you a great experience in sending flowers Turkey through your online florist in Turkey.